Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ignore Critics

how to deal with critics? use the simple guidelines below.

step #1: ignore them
step #2: ignore them
step #3: ignore them
step #4: ignore them

that's true. more often than not we are criticising what people do at church. we criticise the worship, the call group leader, missionary or even the pastor. but this doesn't make us Christ-like. Perry Noble has some great insights on how to deal with critics. click here.

by criticizing, we do not only bring the person down when we are not suppose to. apparently, it makes us a hypocrite by criticizing and condemning people without acting it ourselves. that makes us nothing less than a Pharisee. and it happens to me all the time. i know that i've been called to reach out to people, and i've been emphasizing to my peers to be friendly and talk to people and share the news but i have not done any lately. i hope i would not have the excuse that i could not do the harvesting since i am working now. i hope to improve...

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